This is the kind of pic I just go nuts over, because I love seeing this exact same thing when I have my lover beneath me, about to be penetrated. Those long beautiful thighs spread apart like that, your lovely skin which looks so smooth and soft, nicely toned; the neatly trimmed pubic hair and completely shaven pussy, the way you're touching yourself, and even the hint of your buttocks rounding out the bottom of your thighs. This is SO inviting me to take that surrendered body and give it the fucking you need, to take care of your every need and put you through some seriously intense orgasms! Alors la, je ne sais pas si je viendrais plonger mon visage entre tes cuisses pour laisser ma langue gouter a ta ptite chatte toute excitée, ou si je viendrais coller mes hanches pour te laisser sentir à quel point ma queue est raide de désirs! écarte bien ces jambes que je puisse bien voir ta chatte trempée de désir, je m'avancerai pour mettre ma tête entre tes cuisses puis je viendrai lécher cette chatte épilée et je me régalerai de ton jus. Mmmmmmmmmm is right! Your pussy looks so delicious.My mouth is watering.Could lick and eat you for hours and hours! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm indeed baby. So sexi. Love to cum help ya x.
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